Great eLearning voiceovers require a relatable, intelligent voice that helps your audience understand your work and key concepts you're trying to convey. Andrea Collins offers friendly, conversational eLearning VO for internal corporate training, L&D, children's learning, and DEI.

My eLearning voiceover demos
eLearning VO comes in many styles and shapes. Here are some of the ones I've voiced.

Drive deeper understanding with high-quality eLearning voiceovers

My voiceover style
My eLearning voiceover style is conversational but authoritative. It's upbeat and engaging, but walks the listener succinctly through the key points of your training material.
I'm adept at a variate of eLearning voiceover styles, including:
Conversation eLearning voiceovers
Relatable, real-person eLearning voiceovers
Authoritative and instructional eLearning voiceovers
And more

Once we've decided to make eLearning voiceover magic together, and have ironed out timelines, budgets, and all that fun stuff, my process includes:
Understanding your eLearning script and vision for the final recordings
Soaking in your creative, music, scratch track, and anything else you provide (don't worry if you don't have any of these elements!)
Recording either independently, or via a live directed session (either way, you get the absolute best sound out of your copy)
Providing revisions based on your feedback, or live direction to make sure we get the recording juuuuust right
Sending your the audio in the format of your choosing
My process


What makes a good eLearning voiceover?
A good eLearning voiceover delivers training informational in the most relatable and digestible way possible.
This means speaking to the target audience in a way that resonates with them. Corporate eLearning requires succinct and authoritative VOs, while children's learning requires VO that is approachable, friendly, and unintimidating.
When great eLearning voiceovers meet great training materials, students learn better and earn better results.